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Helping a non-technical founder scale his product and strengthen his technical team

Helping a non-technical founder scale his product and strengthen his technical team

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ready to go live in
onboarded over
helped hire and train

Without a CTO or an in-house development team, Fanzo had not defined a clear technical strategy

Fanzo allows sports fans to find the best pubs to watch sporting events, whilst simultaneously providing a platform for pubs to promote their fixtures and offers, helping attract new customers. The Fanzo team had developed a B2C app, an admin portal for pubs, and a CRM tool with an integrated payment platform.

However, without a senior technical resource, they had no strategy for scaling and further developing these platforms, and were beginning to struggle as the company grew.

Dashboard mockup
Dashboard mockup

Gaps in their platform required manual intervention, taking up valuable time for the team

The platform, developed by an offshore team, relied on an offline payment system which cost the team time and introduced the risk of human error in a business critical process.

Furthermore the system was slow and unreliable, and the codebase was becoming increasingly difficult to manage as the company scaled quickly.

We supported the founder Leo in hiring a team and making wholescale changes to his business critical applications

We developed a bespoke admin portal for the pubs, and integrated an invoicing and payments platform, automating many of the timely manual tasks. After integrating and improving the existing codebase, we linked this to the CRM tool and provided a separate team to debug and continue developing a native iOS app.

Furthermore, we assisted the Fanzo team in recruiting and training two developers. We embedded them in the Theodo teams, upskilling them in Agile and Lean methodologies, as well as the Fanzo stack, giving them all the tools they needed to run autonomously after we left.

Dashboard mockup
Dashboard mockup

Fanzo were able to focus on signing up clients instead of manually implementing now-automated tasks

We left Matchptin with a  cost-effective and vetted long-term technology strategy, as well as a technically confident internal development team to take on the future development of the Fanzo platform.

With a more robust and scalable technical platform, and two technically confident developers to manage it, Leo and Fanzo were able to focus on signing new clients and growing the core business, not managing offshore partners and completing manual tasks.

Leo MacLehose
"I would definitely recommend Theodo to anyone who has digital products at the heart of their business."
Leo MacLehose
"I would definitely recommend Theodo to anyone who has digital products at the heart of their business."

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